Bright Light | Catia Hernandez Holm

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TEDx - Choose Joy or Die

Sometimes joy is going to fall in our laps and sometimes we are going to have to fight for it.

My TEDx talk, Choose Joy or Die, is about how we get so busy, we end up categorizing joy as a luxury. But it's not a luxury, it's a necessity.

If we are not intentionally choosing joy - we we are dying.

Through Choose Joy or Die, I highlight what gets in the way of our joy - how we can recognize the obstacles, overcome them and ultimately live in the full expanse of who we are. FREE. 


Creating a TEDx talk requires a team effort. I did not walk one step alone. From bouncing ideas around, to practicing in my socks at a public library, these whip-smart folks were KEY in helping me craft my message and delivery. 

Here is my all-star team:

Melissa Correa,  Performance and polish.

Scott James - Deep dive content development and creation. 

Amelia Carry - Graphics and presentation. 

Enjoy the talk. I created it just for you. 

God is good. Trying is contagious.

shine on, catia